All Things Wedding

Timeless Wedding Photography
At Kellwood Studio Photography, we hold an incredible passion for life, love, and documenting the emotional moments that add meaning to our lives. Our approach to photography is natural and relationship-oriented; we love to get to know our clients long before putting them in front of the lens. Our focus is on you. Our goals are to create a special vision together with you, and immortalize the bonds, emotions, and moments that can't be re-lived or replaced. Beautiful photographs are emotional moments frozen in time for you to remember and revisit with family, friends, or a quiet moment alone - and we strive
to create images that will be cherished for generations.

What Is The Engagement Session?
Aside from providing you with beautiful, emotional portraits in a casual setting, engagement sessions allow us to get to know eachother before the big day. Knowing what to expect from your photographer and feeling relaxed in front of the camera are critical for photographic success. During the engagement session, we love to work with you to find the styles, smiles, angles, and poses that work best for you as a couple.

Let Me Shower You With Memories!
Thinking of having a Bridal Shower? Great News! From the decor to the gifts and games to the family and friend photos we love to capture your memories.